Forskningspriser på Collaboration in Science 2022
CIMED finansierade forskningspriser vid den vetenskapliga konferensen Collaboration in Science 2022. Konferensen hölls på Campus Flemingsberg i hus NEO den 6 och den 7 oktober 2022.
Pris för bästa muntliga presentation tilldelades:
- Gunilla Ajne – “Instrumental vacuum assisted delivery in obstructed labor – time for AI in the birth team”
- Andrea Coschiera – “Primary cilia coordinate the differentiation of human LUHMES neurons through the Wnt signaling pathway”
- Francesca Eroli – “Polypharmacy treatments as risk factors for cognitivs impairment and adverse outcomes during aging”
- Josef Pelcman – “Chaperones regulation – A novel route to fight Alzheimer’s?”
- Gwladys Revêchon – “Somatic LMNA mutation and expression of progerin in early vascular aging of chronic kidney disease”
- Katharina H. Susek – “PD1-based chimeric-switch receptor expressing NK cells recover from immune checkpoint inhibition in multiple myeloma”
Pris för bästa poster presentation tilldelades:
- Amena Archer: ”Impact of the estrogen receptor (ER) β and the TNFα signaling on the expression of circadian genes in colorectal cancer”
- Tajpara Poojabahen: ”Functional studies of IPMN microbiota in pancreatic cancer pathogenesis”
- Christina Samuelsson: ”Speech and gestures in young children with cochlear implants: performance during vocabulary testing with the Picture Naming Game”
- Jing Wu: ”Cardiovascular Health Metrics and the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Decline: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis”
Pris för bästa video presentation tilldelades:
- Laurène Adam: ”Targeting a-synuclein amyloid aggregates with the BRICHOS protein – basis for treatment of Parkinson’s disease”
Uppdaterad av:
Amanda Klein 2022-10-10