Projektbidrag och kliniska forskarmånader 2025-2027

Utlysningsperioden för CIMEDs projektbidrag och kliniska forskarmånader för 2025-2027 är avslutad och beslut om fördelning av medel har fattats av CIMEDs styrelse enligt rekommendation från granskningsgrupperna.

Följande personer har tilldelats CIMED projektbidrag (P) och/eller kliniska forskarmånader (F):


Jenny Svedenkrans – Is the breast milk good or bad when medications are involved? – Clinical effects in preterm infants exposed to maternal antihypertensive drug treatment through mother’s own milk. (F)

Lotta Herling – Selektiv tillväxthämning hos enäggstvillingar – en internationell studie (The CONTRAST-study – Selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twins – an international investigation) (F)

Aristeidis Grigoriadis – Improving individual prognostication, stratification, and evaluation of treatment response of individuals with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (P+F)

John Wallert – A population-based risk calculator for adverse outcomes after discharge from involuntary psychiatric care (P)

Jenny Niemeyer Hultstrand – Familjesamvård på Psykiatri Sydväst (F)

Erik Forsell – Utveckling och utvärdering av två behandlingsprogram för överdriven oro i reguljär psykiatrisk vård: Internetbaserad behandling för vuxna med generaliserat ångestsyndrom (GAD) (P)

Charlotte Goodrose-Flores – Studies on nutrition, perceived body image, and muscle strength in patients with advanced cancer (P+F)

Hong Xu – Kolinesterashämmare, en potentiell läkemedelskandidat för behandling av njursjukdomar med hjälp av epidemiologiska och kliniska metoder (P)

Katharina Schmidt-Mende – Prevention of emergency visits among frail older patients in primary care development of a complex intervention in Swedish healthcare (P)

Mattias Ulmner – Handikappande käkledsknäppningar – en randomiserad, dubbelblind behandlingsstudie. (F)

Ronaldo Lira-Junior – Dissecting neutrophil functions in oral health and diseases (P)

Dhifaf Sarhan – Targeting FPR2 as a novel approach for immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer female patients – Studies of sexual immune dimorphism in the tumor microenvironment (P)

Carlos Fernández Moro – Improving diagnostics of tumor-like lesions and hepato-pancreatic-biliary cancer by combined multiplex immunohistochemistry and proteomics (P+F)

Joel Nordin – Development of a targeted in vivo delivery system to hematopoietic stem cells to treat X-linked agammaglobulinemia (P)

Laura Marcela Palma Medina – Biomarker based diagnosis of severe soft tissue infections in the emergency ward (P)

Marie Meeths – Inborn Errors of Immunity – Cancer associations and long-term outcome after hematopoietic cell transplantation (P)

Shilpa Ray – Identification of novel non-antibiotic bactericidal agents to fight antimicrobial resistant bacteria from patients with different chronic infections. (P)

Yang Liu – Accelerating Sickle Cell Disease Gene Therapy: Enhancing gRNA Functionality through Structural Optimization for Successful Clinical Translation (P)

Christina Carlander – Prevention and Screening for Cancer in people with HIV – who and when? (F)

Anna Elisabet Ravn Landtblom – Prevention and early detection of leukemic transformation in myelofibrosis (P+F)

Marit Westman – Global airways – Precision medicine in asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis (P+F)

Cecilia Karlström – Systemic mastocytosis: clinical introduction of CCL23 as a novel diagnostic biomarker and deciphering the role of CCL23 in disease presentation and prognosis (P)

Lina Lindström – Faktorer av betydelse för prognos och livskvalitet hos patienter med primär skleroserande cholangit och inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (P+F)

Axel Abelein – Differential diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies by an ultrasensitive seeding assay (P)


Lars Navér – Allvarliga infektioner med Grampositiva bakterier hos nyfödda – hur påverkar infektion och antibiotikabehandling barnets överlevnad, hälsa och framtida utveckling? (F)

Mikael Sundin – Sviktande benmärg i barndomen – en cancerpredisposition: diagnostik, behandling, uppföljning och risker (F)

Olav Rooyackers – Critical illness related muscle wasting and the positive and negative effects of protein feeding depending on the patient’s trajectory. (P)

Kajsa Bohlin – Triggers and modifiers of lung disease and lung function development following preterm birth – extended studies of the TELLUS and LUFT cohort (P+F)

Anders Kjellman – Radiomikmodell för att förutsäga det histologiska utfallet vid retroperitoneal lymfkörtelutrymning. (F)

Bo-Göran Ericzon – Cell-based immunotherapy in solid organ transplantation to minimize systemic immunosuppression (P)

Björn Fischler – Flera nyanser av gult. Patogenes, förlopp och behandling av spädbarn med olika former av gallstassjukdom (P+F)

Gunilla Ajne – Utveckling av innovativa verktyg i kombination med kliniska studier för att göra instrumentell förlossning med sugklocka säkrare för både barn och kvinnor. (F)

Pauliina Damdimopoulou – Novel genetic polymorphisms and secreted follicle markers for predicting ovarian function. (P)

Marco Gerling – inBLOOM: Integrated blood-derived markers to improve treatment decisions in liver metastases (F)

Cecilia Götherström – Developing fetal mesenchymal stem cells into a treatment for Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (P)

Magnus Nilsson – Intraperitoneal therapies in peritoneally metastasized gastric cancer: Towards better survival with low toxicity and enhanced quality of life (P)

Volen Ivanov – Solving the hypochondriasis paradox: Towards a better integration of somatic and psychiatric care for individuals with health anxiety (F)

Katharina Fink – Narcolepsy: A nationwide investigation into predictors, the prodrome, and pregnancy (P+F)

Caroline Ingre – Dysautonomi vid Amyotrofisk Lateral Skleros (F)

Christian Rück – Saving lives: building a total nationwide multimodal suicide cohort to improve precision in prediction and prevention of suicide (P)

Carolin Nymark – Vätskeintag hos patienter med hjärtsvikt (P)

Maria Eriksdotter – Neurotrophin-mediated immune regulation in Alzheimer patients (P)

David Moulaee Conradsson – “One size” fits no one – evaluation of a person-centered adaptive mobile health solution for physical activity after stroke or transient ischemic attack (P)

Christian Giske – Introduction of precision medicine with biological drugs: bacteriophages for treatment of Pseudomonas cystic fibrosis infections (P)

 Thomas Gustafsson – Biological mechanisms underlying the myopathies and functional limitations found in Patients with Post-Covid condition in the EXILE trial. (P)

Samir EL Andaloussi – CNS gene editing using engineered extracellular vesicles for treatment of synucleinopathies (P)

Rula Zain – Unik plattform för prevention och behandling av nukleotid-tandem-repeat sjukdomar (P)

Katarina Le Blanc – Cured but not well: Long term fatigue and cognitive dysfunction due to synaptopathy or brain GvHD? (P)

Edvard Smith – Cancer och ärftlig immunbrist. Inhibitorer och mutationer. Cancer and inherited immunodeficiency. Inhibitors and mutations (P)

Frieder Braunschweig – Digital vård: hemmonitorering vid hjärtsvikt och förmaksflimmer (P+F)

Kristoffer Strålin – Improved sepsis care based on a clinical pathway and precision medicine (P+F)

Magnus Tobiasson – Användande av individualiserad analys av mätbar kvarvarande sjukdom för att initiera tidig behandling och minska återfall av myelodysplastiskt syndrom efter allogen stamcellstransplantation (P+F)

Karolina Szummer – Reducing the risk of atrial fibrillation recurrence and its complications – randomized trials, registries and big data analysis (P+F)

Anders Sönnerborg – Clinical importance of the latent HIV-1 DNA reservoir in people infected with different HIV-1 subtypes (P)

Piotr Nowak – Optimizing Immunological Responses to Vaccination and Advancing HIV Cure Strategies through Gut Microbiome. (F)

Susanna Brighenti – Towards precision medicine in tuberculosis (TB): Unraveling immune endotypes for targeted host-directed therapies (P)

Maria Eriksson – Identification of genetic risk factors and novel targets for early vascular aging in chronic kidney disease (P)

Uppdaterad av:

Lena Berglin 2024-06-19